Chemical Mixing Calculator for Multi-component Batches

This calculator calculates the resulting composition of the final mixture or batch from mixing any number of different batches with varying percentage composition of different components. The composition of a batch is expressed in percent by weight. Please click the 'Add Rows' button to add more batches and the 'Add Columns' button to add more components. This calculator can also be used for trial and error calculations involving trying out different weights of the batches to come up with a final mixture or batch with a composition that is within specification. Sometimes you may have to work with batches that have 3 or more components and the mathematics involved can be quite complex but then there is good ol' trial and error. Please enter zero when a batch does not have a specifed component. Enter 100 when a batch is purely of one component. The percent composition of the different batches for a particular component must be given for calculation to proceed for that component. Weight can be in any unit like gram, kilogram, pounds, tons provided the units are used consistently.

  Component Name Component Name
Batch Name Batch Weight Percent of Component in Batch Percent of Component in Batch
Final Mixture To be Calculated To be Calculated To be Calculated
Decimal Places
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